FSG Nigeria Invited for Emergency Rescue Training


Recently, the General Manager of FSG Nigerian company was invited by the Chinese Consulate General in Lagos to give a lecture to local Chinese on "Emergency Rescue in Dangerous Environments". This training is part of the fourth phase of the lecture series organized by the Consulate General in Lagos. Representatives from companies such as Access Bank Group also participated in the training. They respectively lectured and exchanged ideas on issues of concern to overseas Chinese, such as the operation of and joint protection mechanisms, the macroeconomic situation in Nigeria, common commercial fraud and corporate violation cases, and safety emergency rescue.

The Consul General in Lagos praised FSG for setting up a safety barrier for local Chinese-funded enterprises and employees. The enterprises have demonstrated the responsibility of Chinese compatriots to help each other and jointly build a community of shared destinies, assuming the mission of protecting overseas Chinese together with the consulate. The Chinese private enterprises rooted in Nigeria have also added colors to the "Belt and Road" painting and cultivated the soil for the tree of Sino-Nigerian friendship, all of which deserve great praise. In the future, it is hoped that FSG will continue to be the "protector" of the safety of Chinese citizens in Nigeria and work together with enterprises to build a secure "Great Wall of Steel". All enterprises are encouraged to operate legally and safely, striving to be "five qualified" corporate citizens and bridges for high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road" between China and Nigeria.

The four speakers, combining theory of finance, law, and security with practical cases, delivered detailed and professional lectures on issues of common concern to compatriots in Nigeria. They covered topics such as the macroeconomic situation in Nigeria and predictions for future trends, common financial and operational risk prevention in Nigerian enterprises, how to identify and prevent commercial fraud, and basic procedures for emergency rescue. They presented constructive solutions and suggestions in these areas. The speakers also actively interacted with the participants, answering questions and clarifying doubts.

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